Bike Ride to the Beach (with Pathfinders)

The Bike Ride to the Beach is a yearly Calimesa event sponsored by the Pathfinder Club. It is usually on the 2nd or 3rd Sabbath in September.

Everyone attending is asked to sign up so the club knows how to plan for food and transportation.

General Schedule (times are approximate)

11:00 am Load bikes that need transportation on trailer at church

1:30 pm Meet at trailhead, unload bikes, get ready to ride

2:00 pm Start down the trail (all minors must ride with an adult at all times). Parent volunteers wait at 2-3 checkpoints with water during the 26 mile trail.

3:30 pm First riders arrive at the beach

5:30 pm Last riders arrive at the beach

6:00 pm Supper

7:00 pm Vespers around the campfire

What to Bring

Please bring enough hot dogs and buns for your family and fruit, chips or dessert to share; the Pathfinder Club will provide plates, utensils, drinks, condiments, and chips. 

More Information

Pathfinders start at the trail head and ride to the beach. Adventurers and their families are invited to start at the trail head or any of the checkpoints and ride to the beach, OR to start at the beach and ride up to one of the checkpoints and then turn around and ride back to the beach, OR come to the beach and play until everyone arrives!